Decorate your home or garden with flower pots!
Love gardening but don’t have a yard and only a few pots? Do you want to grow a variety of flowers and herbs but don’t have the time to select seeds and deal with seedlings, picking and transplanting? We have the perfect solution to easily achieve a garden rich in colour and fragrance on your balcony or at home.

Fill the pots with soil and insert the seed discs

Sprinkle with a little more soil and water regularly

Enjoy your pots with flowers and spices

Collection of 4 packets with 5 types of flowers or spices
Flower and spice seeds in biodegradable paper discs
We have prepared a collection of 15 types of flower seeds and 5 types of spice seeds that are suitable for growing in pots. The seeds are embedded in biodegradable paper, shaped into convenient discs. After two months, the paper has decomposed to humus, and the seeds have turned into strong and healthy plants. We have planned the discs to be used in pots with a diameter of about 20 cm, but it is fine to use larger ones or two discs in one pot on the balcony, for example. It doesn’t matter what the pots are – ceramic, plastic, baskets, planters , patio pots, or wall or railing pots. All that matters is your desire to decorate your home or garden.
Why seeds in paper discs?
- Even if you live in an apartment, you can grow your own mini garden in pots, rich in shapes, colours and scents.
- We will offer you a variety of flowers and spices such as: Dahlia, Petunia, Verbena, Lobelia, Marigold, Zinnia, Celosia, Tagetes, Mint, Basil, Parsley, etc.
- The discs make planting easier. Many flower seeds are tiny and difficult to handle. Often we lose them as soon as we open the package or we are left with extra seeds that are difficult to store and most often we throw them away. With our discs, you won’t have those worries anymore. Place the disc directly into the pot.
- We have selected only varieties that are suitable for pots. You can save yourself the experiments and the frustrations. You can grow the plants in the pot where you planted the seed disks or move some of them to another pot.
- 15 types of flowers and 5 types of spices arrive in a small package directly delivered to your home.
- Our beautiful box makes this collection a great gift for any occasion.
- The seeds of flowers and spices are of good quality and high germination.
The Collection
The collection consists of 4 packs of 5 seed discs. You can buy the whole collection or each pack separately. The collection is packaged in a box that is suitable for an original gift for any occasion.
1. Package Flowers
Contains seeds of 5 traditional flowers. These are well-known flowers, but varieties suitable for pots are used. This will give you the opportunity to arrange both at home and in the garden.
- Zinnia
- Pot marigold
- Snapdragons
- Marigold
- Astra

2. Package Flowers for hanging pots
As the name suggests, it consists of 5 types of traditional and lesser known cascading flowers that are suitable for growing in hanging pots, patio pots, wall pots.
- Petunia
- Sanvitalia
- Verbena
- Lobelia
- Lobularia

3. Attractive Flowers Package
It consists of 5 species of less common potted flowers, but particularly attractive. With them you will add special beauty and exoticism to your home or garden.
- Dalia Piccolo Mignon
- Nemesia
- Celosia
- Helichrysum
- Nolana

4. Spices package
In this pack you will find seeds of 5 types of popular spices for the kitchen. With this package, in addition to the greenery in the kitchen, at home, on the terrace, you will be able to cook with always fresh spices.
- Parsley
- Dill
- Savory
- Basil
- Peppermint

Included in the set are seed discs of popular and traditional flowers – Cinia, Marigold, Puppies, Tagetes, Aster. These flowers can often be seen in gardens, but we have selected varieties that will make it possible to grow them in pots at home. The flowers grow up to 30-40 cm tall. The popularity of these flowers is also due to the fact that they are unpretentious to grow. With our paper seed discs, planting is also very easy and quick.

The zinnia flower originates from Mexico. It is unpretentious and easy to grow, which is probably why it is popular all over the world. Blooms from June to October in all colours except blue. It is grown in the sun. Place the disk in the pot and cover it with a little soil – quarter inch. Maintain constant moisture at the start and temperature above 15°C, 20-22°C recommended. You will see the first plants sprouting on day 7. You can leave 2-3 roots in the pot. If desired and possible, you can transfer the rest to other pots or in the garden. At the end of April you can take the pots outside. The soil must be light and well drained. The zinnia can withstand drought. Water once a week. Feeding – 2 times for the whole summer, but not necessarily. To enjoy consistent and abundant flowering, remove overblooms regularly.
For those who are used to seeing zinnias in the garden and are worried about the height – this variety of zinnia reaches 20-30 cm in height and is suitable for pots with a diameter of 20 cm.

Pot marigold
A well-known flower with medicinal properties. Unpretentious and easy to grow. The variety used in our drive reaches a height of 35 cm. It blooms from June to the end of October, with orange, gold and yellow flowers. Place the disc in the pot and cover it with a little soil – half an inch. Pot marigolds are unpretentious to soil, but thrive well in well-drained slightly acidic soils. Pot marigolds can withstand drought. In the beginning, water to maintain constant moisture. Water once a week once the plant has formed. Be careful – too much water will damage the plant. The first stems will sprout on day 10 at temperatures above 12°C. Leave 2-3 roots in the pot. The rest you can sow in other pots or in the garden. You can take outside in April. Feeding – 2 to 3 times.
A flower that, besides its beauty, is known for its medicinal properties. It is used in cooking, and in recent times it is quite popular for repelling pests and suppressing disease-causing fungi. It is recommended for planting in vegetable and flower beds as a means of pest control. Pot marigold blooms from May to October. It is not demanding of the soil, but it must be well drained. Place the disc in the pot and cover with a thin layer of soil – half an inch. It will germinate around day 10 at a temperature of 20°C. Leave 1 or 2 roots in the pot. Can be picked 2-3 weeks after germination. Requires sun or partial shade. Watering – regularly until the plant is established and 2 weeks thereafter. Feeding – no more often than 1 per month. Remove the passed colours.

Another popular and unpretentious flower in our collection. Blooms from July to September. Thrives well in full sun and partial shade. There are no special requirements for the soil as long as it is well drained. Watering – keep moist at first, as the plant forms water once a week near the root. Be careful not to overwater. Asters withstand a drought. Feeding – 1 monthly, as it begins to bloom stop. Leave 1-2 roots in the pot. You can pick in other pots or in the garden.
Cut off the passed blossoms.
A flower from grandma’s garden. But plants of our variety will not get as tall as in grandma’s garden. Although they will be 20-25 cm tall, they will delight us with abundant flowers. The soil for the Snapdragon flower should be rich, well-drained and neutral in acidity. Thrives well in full sun and partial shade. Watering – maintain moisture in the first weeks, then once a week at the base of the plant. Put the disc in the pot and cover with a thin layer of soil – half an inch. Plants will germinate in 2-3 weeks at temperatures between 15°C and 20°C. Try to leave 4-5 roots in the pot to have more flowers. You can pick in other pots or in the garden.

Flowers for hanging baskets
In the set Flowers for hanging pots are included cascading varieties ofPetunia, Verbena, Lobelia, Lobularia, Sanvitalia. They can also be used for wall planters or in patio planters, turning a dull railing into a lush waterfall of greenery and colour.

Petunia needs no introduction. It is quite a popular flower. In our case we have used a special variety of Cascade Petunia. Use nutrient-rich but light soil, slightly acidic (pH 6-6.5). The pot should be placed in a sunny location. When the disc is placed in the pot, it is enough to put just a little soil as it is fixed. Water regularly without overwatering. You can sow as early as January, but if you plan to put the pot outside, do it in April or later. Petunia does not tolerate cold. Leave no more than 2-3 roots per pot. If you wish, you can sow the remaining roots in other pots. Petunia will delight you with flowers from May until the end of October. Remember to feed the plants with flowering plant fertiliser every 3-4 weeks. Remove the blossoms with the seeds. Otherwise the colours will diminish. By removing the flower, the seeds remain at the base. Remove them by cutting 2 cm below them with scissors.

Another popular cascading flower with a long flowering period from June to October. For Verbena, use well-drained soil. If you have doubts about the soil you can mix it with sand. You can put the disc in as early as January and take it outside in April. Verbena requires a lot of sun. Place the disc in the middle and put some soil to fix it in the pot. In the beginning, maintain constant moisture. It will germinate in about 3 weeks. Leave 1-2 roots in the pot. The rest you can transfer to other pots if you have the desire and free space. Water 1-2 times a week when the plant is established. Do not overwater. Verbena can withstand drought. Feed with fertiliser carefully and no more often than once a month. Remove the passed inflorescences.
An attractive cascading flower for hanging pots, terraces and walls. The variety used in the disc has many delicate small white, blue, red and purple flowers. Use rich, well-drained and slightly acidic ( Ph 6.0-7.0) soil. Place the disc in the pot and put just a little soil on it to fix it. Maintain constant moisture for the first 2-3 weeks until germination, without overdoing it. Then water less every 3-4-5 days. Keep in mind that Lobelia seeds are extremely small and a lot of them will germinate in the pot. Leave 1-2 roots for a 20 cm diameter pot. If you are able and willing you can transfer some of the plants to other pots and you will have all the flowers. Lobelia does well in full sun and partial shade. In April, May when the temperature also passes 10 degrees at night you can take the pots outside. To flower profusely, feed regularly. It is recommended to fertilise every 2-4 weeks. If you notice that flowering is decreasing, prune the plant and water.

Unpretentious flower that blooms from early summer to autumn. Withstands drought. It will delight you with small white, purple, pink flowers. Place the disc in the pot and pour a little soil on it to fix it. Water regularly in the beginning to maintain moisture. Once the plant is established you can water once a week. The origin of the flower is the Mediterranean and therefore short droughts are not a problem for it. At high temperatures flowering may decrease.
Use well-drained soil. No feeding is required unless the soil is very poor.
It is also known as Creeping Zinnia and is native to Mexico. The flowers look like small yellow zinnias or tiny sunflowers. As its origin suggests, Sanvitalia requires sun. Blooms from June to September. The soil should be light, sandy. In the beginning, maintain constant moisture. When the plant is established, water once a week. Withstands drought. Cover the disc with just a little soil. You will see the first sprouts in about 2 weeks. Leave only one root in the pot. The plant forms a tufa up to 50 cm in diameter. In April-May you can take outdoors. Remove the passed colours. Feed once every 1-2 months.

Attractive flowers
In this set we have included less common but beautiful flowers. We have selected special varieties of Dahlia Piccolo Mignon, Nemesia, Celosia, Helichrysum, Nolana. With these exotic flowers, suitable for growing in pots, we would like to bring extra beauty along with some extravagance.

Dahlia is also known as gergine. Although it is more popular to grow from tubers and cuttings, it can also be grown from seed. This is especially true for some of the varieties. Blooms from July to October with bright daisy-like flowers (the variety used in our collection). Also our variety reaches up to 30 cm in height. The dahlia is not a pretentious flower and is easy to grow. It requires fertile and well-drained soil and a sunny location. Feeding – 1 time per month until flowering. Use a fertiliser rich in phosphorus and potassium, respectively a little nitrogen. Watering – likes moist soil, but don’t overwater. Water when the soil is dry. To get a plant with lots of colour you need to prune/pinch the top. Once flowering begins, remove the spent blooms.

A very beautiful and colourful annual flower originating from South Africa. Blooms from June to September in yellow, orange, red, pink, purple. It has a pleasant aroma. Reaches up to 25 cm in height. It is relatively easy to grow. The soil must be light and well drained. Add sand if necessary. Cover the disc in the pot with a thin layer of soil – half a centimetre. At a temperature of 15°C, it will germinate in 2 to 3 weeks. Water regularly. It does not tolerate drought but is sensitive to overwatering. Try to keep the soil moist, not rotten. Choose a sunny spot or semi-shade, but bear in mind that it does not tolerate very high temperatures. In April, you can take outside. Leave 1-2 roots in the pot. If desired, the rest can be sown elsewhere.
A very beautiful plant of the Amaranth family with an unusual appearance of very bright colour. It looks like the flame of a candle and blooms in yellow, red, orange. The cut flower of Celosia keeps its appearance for a very long time. Celosia leaves can be eaten when the plant is young. The soil must be very well drained. Cover the disc with half an inch of soil. Maintain moisture until germination. Then water only when the soil is dry. The plant is sensitive to overwatering. Another feature is that the place must be well lit. Does not tolerate temperature drops. Feeding – once a month with liquid compound fertilizer. If you notice the plant fading and slowing down, it is probably due to overwatering or overfeeding. Leave 2-3 roots in the pot. The rest can be planted elsewhere if desired.

Helichrysum / Immortal
A flower that is more commonly known as an herb. From it is produced essential oil, which is used in cosmetics. Specifically in facial products – has regenerating properties. The species and variety we have selected is ornamental. This is the tallest flower in the collection. It can reach up to 50 cm and this should be taken into account when choosing and placing the pot. An interesting feature is that the flower is not made of petals, but of modified leaves. Immortelle thrives well in light, sandy soil. The place must be sunny. In partial shade it will not flower much. Withstands drought. Water once a week. Feeding – 1-2 times.
The optimum temperature for germination is 20-22°C. Flowering will begin 3 months after germination and continue until the end of October. Cut flowers keep their appearance for a very long time. Leave 1-2 plants in the pot.
An annual plant originating in Chile. Forms beautiful blue bell shaped flowers similar to the Gramophone/Ipomea. Blooms from June to late September. Since it comes from the Chilean deserts, it is drought resistant. It has a natural mechanism to collect moisture in the air. But still remember to water occasionally. He wants lots of sun – at least 8 hours a day. The soil must be light, sandy and very well drained. Nolana quickly occupies the space by forming tuffs. Therefore, it is better to leave one root in the pot. Can also be used for hanging pots. Does not require special feeding unless the soil is very poor. Real post-emergence does not require much care.

This collection pack consists of 5 discs of spice seeds – parsley, fennel, savory, mint and basil. In recent times, cooking, besides being a necessity, is becoming quite a popular hobby. With our discs, your spices are literally at your fingertips. It is not to be underestimated that the spice pots will be like a kind of decoration of your kitchen.

Parsley – widely used in all European cuisines with undeniable benefits for our health. It is easy to grow in pots. Place the disc in the pot and cover with half an inch of soil. Water it. Be patient – it will germinate in 3 to 4 weeks at 15 to 20°C, sometimes more. You can thin the plants in the pot if necessary. The roots are sensitive, so picking is problematic. Requires 6-8 hours of sunlight, rich soil and moisture. You will be able to cut your parsley 2-3 months after sprouting. Cut off a whole twig instead of just the leaves.

Fennel – Also a commonly used spice, not only in Europe. It is easy to grow in pots with one peculiarity – it forms deep roots and therefore a deeper pot is needed. The soil for growing fennel should be rich. Cover the disc by half an inch and water. Like parsley, it likes moisture. Germinates in about 2 weeks. 6-8 hours of sunshine per day. Thin the plants in the pot to a few. Dill can reach as much as 2 metres in height. If grown in a pot, as is the case with our discs, it is necessary to pinch/cut the top. So it doesn’t grow much in height and becomes denser. Do not cut off more than 1/3 of the plant height.
Like the other herbs in the collection, basil is easy to grow. It requires rich soil, 6-8 hours of sunshine and regular watering. It is a good idea to provide a deeper pot. Cover the disc with a thin layer of soil and water regularly. Germinates in 1-2 weeks at a temperature of about 20°C. Leave 3-4 roots in the pot. The rest you can plant in other pots or in the garden if you wish. Trim/pinch the top to make it more dense and keep it from getting tall. You can pick the basil when it is 15-20 cm tall. Pick regularly and no more than 1/3 of the leaves per month. So it becomes even thicker.

It also doesn’t need much of a special introduction. Peppermint is a spice, easy to grow in a pot, with wide application in cooking and as a herb. Requires rich, well-drained soil, full sun or partial shade, regular watering. Germinates in 2 weeks at a temperature of 15-18°C. Leave 1 root in a pot. Trim/pinch the top so it doesn’t get tall, but thick and lush – that way you’ll always have fresh stems for lemonade, for example. Pick the leaves regularly.
Popular spice in the Mediterranean and Europe. Also easy to grow in a pot. It needs rich, well-drained soil. Germinates in about 2 weeks. Unlike the other spices in the collection, it does not require much moisture. Once the plant has formed, you can reduce the watering as much as necessary to keep the soil moist. Leave 2-3 roots in a pot. To avoid the plant getting too tall, cut/pinch the top when it reaches 10-15 cm tall. Pick the tips of the twigs. The taste and aroma are strongest before the plant blooms. Once flowering, decline significantly.